Background: Hygiene inspections on passenger ships are important for the
prevention of communicable diseases. The European Union (EU) countries
conduct hygiene inspections on passenger ships in order to ensure that
appropriate measures have been taken to eliminate potential sources of
contamination which could lead to the spread of communicable diseases.
This study was implemented within the framework of the EU SHIPSAN
project and it investigates the legislation applied and practices of
hygiene inspections of passenger ships in the EU Member States (MS) and
European Free Trade Association countries.
Methods: Two questionnaires were composed and disseminated to 28
countries. A total of 92 questionnaires were completed by competent
authorities responsible for hygiene inspections (n = 48) and the
creation of legislation (n = 44); response rates were 96%, and 75.9%,
Results: Out of the 48 responding authorities responsible for hygiene
inspections, a routine programme was used by 19 (39.6%) of these to
conduct inspections of ships on national voyages and by 26 (54.2%) for
ships on international voyages. Standardised inspection forms are used
by 59.1% of the authorities. A scoring inspection system is applied by
five (11.6%) of the 43 responding authorities. Environmental sampling
is conducted by 84.1% of the authorities (37 out of 44). The inspection
results are collected and analysed by 54.5% (24 out of 44) of the
authorities, while 9 authorities (20.5%) declared that they publish the
results. Inspections are conducted during outbreak investigations by
75% and 70.8% of the authorities, on ships on national and
international voyages, respectively. A total of 31 (64.6%) and 39
(81.3%) authorities conducted inspections during complaint
investigations on ships on international and on national voyages,
respectively. Port-to-port communication between the national port
authorities was reported by 35.4% (17 out of 48) of the responding
authorities and 20.8% (10 out of 48) of the port authorities of other
Conclusion: This study revealed a diversity of approaches and practices
in the conduct of inspections, differences in the
qualifications/knowledge/experience of inspectors, the legislation
applied during inspections, and the lack of communication and training
among many EU countries. An integrated European inspection programme
involving competent expert inspectors in each EU Member States and
special training for ship hygiene delivered to crew members and
inspectors would help to minimize the risk of communicable diseases.
Common inspection tools at a European level for hygiene inspection
practices and port-to-port communication are needed.
Mouchtouri, Varvara A.
Westacott, Sandra
Nichols, Gordon and
Riemer, Tobias
Skipp, Mel
Bartlett, Christopher L. R. and
Kremastinou, Jenny
Hadjichristodoulou, Christos