Occupational Immediate-Type Allergic Asthma due to Potassium
Tetrachloroplatinate in Production of Cytotoxic Drugs
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Allergic immediate-type reactions by halogenated compounds of platinum
(Pt) (platinum salts) have been described in workers in precious metal
re fineries and catalyst productions. In both industries there are
exposures to many different Pt compounds. It is believed that the most
important allergens are those compounds with the highest number of
halide ligands. It is unknown whether sensitizations to compounds with a
lower number of halide ligands represent co-sensitizations or are due to
cross-reactivity. We report a worker engaged in the production of
cytotoxic drugs with occupational asthma and exposure to only one Pt
salt with four halide ligands. The 22-year-old worker developed
work-related sneezing, runny nose, and variable dyspnea about a year
after he had started to work in the cytotoxic drugs production with
exposure to potassium tetrachloroplatinate(II) (K 2 PtCl 4). He was
immediately removed from his workplace and admitted for a medical
opinion about 6 months afterwards. Spirometry was normal, but asthma was
corroborated by a positive response to methacholine. The results of skin
prick testing could not be interpreted due to urticaria factitia.
Challenge with K 2 PtCl 4 by a dosimeter method yielded a clear
immediate-type reaction with an increase of exhaled nitric oxide from 32
to 156 ppb after 24 h indicating an increased airway in flammation. Pt
salts with four halide ligands like K 2 PtCl 4 may cause an allergic
immediate-type reaction and occupational asthma. Workers in the
production of Pt-containing cytotoxic drugs with exposure to these
substances should be included in medical surveillance programs for the
prevention of occupational asthma caused by Pt salts.
Thanasias, E.
Polychronakis, I.
van Kampen, V.
Bruening, T.
and Merget, R.
Τίτλος συνεδρίου:
Bronchial challenge; Immediate reaction; Occupational asthma; Platinum
salts; Potassium tetrachloroplatinate( II)