The European 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial CW prototype gyrotron has been
designed within EGYC (European GYrotron Consortium) in collaboration
with the industrial partner Thales Electron Devices (TED) and under the
coordination of Fusion for Energy (F4E). This is a conventional (hollow)
cavity gyrotron that is based on the 1 MW, 170 GHz short-pulse (SP)
modular gyrotron, which has been designed and manufactured by KIT in
collaboration with TED. The SP prototype has been tested in multiple
experimental campaigns since 2015 and the nominal cavity mode TE32,9 is
exited at 170.1 GHz, producing RF power above 1 MW with 35 %
interaction efficiency. The first phase of the experiments with the CW
industrial gyrotron was successfully completed at KIT in 2016, verifying
most of the ITER specifications. Short pulses (<10ms) deliver RF power
higher than 0.9 MW with a total efficiency of 26 % (in non-depressed
collector operation). The Gaussian mode content of the RF beam is 97 %.
Pulses with duration of 180 s (limited by the high-voltage power supply
at KIT) produce power more than 0.8 MW with maximum efficiency 38 % (in
depressed collector operation). In this work the achievements with the
SP and the CW prototype gyrotrons are summarized.
Ioannidis, Zisis
Rzesnicki, Tomasz
Albajar, Ferran
Avramidis, Konstantinos
Bin, William
Bruschi, Alex
Chelis, Ioannis
Fanale, Francesco and
Gantenbein, Gerd
Hermann, Virgille
Hogge, Jean-Philippe and
Illy, Stefan
Jin, Jianbo
Jelonnek, John
Kasparek, Walter and
Latsas, George
Lechte, Carsten
Legrand, Francois
Sanchez, Francisco
Schmid, Martin
Thumm, Manfred
Tigelis, Ioannis
Minh Quang Tran
and Zisis, Anastasios
Zein, Andy