This paper argues that autonomy is a crucial concept for psychoanalysis
that deserves greater attention and closer elaboration. Although there
is abundant literature on the complexities of Freud’s psychic
determinism and its compatibility (or not) with different notions of
freedom, less attention has been paid to psychoanalytic definitions of
autonomy, especially in relation to the end(s) of analysis. In what
follows I propose a framework for a psychoanalytic conception of
autonomy based on an intrapsychic and an intersubjective axis. I argue
for the consideration of three kinds of freedom: a freedom “from,” a
freedom “to,” and a freedom “through.” Freedom “from” refers
to the quest for liberation from intrapsychic constraints that delimit
our freedom “to” be agents of change and novelty, subjects capable
of degrees of self-creation and self-determination; both kinds of
freedom require the common psychic work between patient and therapist,
the working-through of the particular elements of the transferential and
countertransferential dynamics of the dyad generating a form of freedom
“through” one another, unique to psychoanalytic activity.