Collection uoadl:phd_theses 210400 Read counter
The collection comprises the dissertations carried out by NKUA's doctoral students in the proccess of acquiring their doctorate degree.
1. Outcome of neonates who were transported in Attica's NICU and factors that influence
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:13055493. Soluble CD146, a novel endothelial market, is related to the severity of liver disease.
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:130555412. When a parent suffers from multiple sclerosis: psychosocial effects on children and adolescents
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:130557213. 'The application of procalcitonin in infectious diseases diagnostics'
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:130557418. Αθηρωματική νόσος καρωτίδων : υπερηχογραφική και βιοχημική προσέγγιση
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:130558519. Αθηρωματική νόσος του καρωτιδικού διχασμού και περιοδοντική νόσος
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:130558720. Αιμόσταση-νέες ρυθμιστικές πρωτείνες-πρωτείνη Ζ
Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:1305592