Study of radiative leptonic events with hard photons and search for excited charged leptons at root s=130-136 GeV

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3048415 31 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Study of radiative leptonic events with hard photons and search for
excited charged leptons at root s=130-136 GeV
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
During the last 1995 data acquisition period at LEP, the DELPHI
experiment collected an integrated luminosity of 5.9 pb(-1) at
centre-of-mass energies of 130 GeV and 136 GeV. Radiative leptonic
events (e, mu, tau) With high energy photons were studied and compared
to Standard Model predictions. The data were used to search for charged
excited leptons decaying through an electromagnetic transition. No
significant signal was found. From the search for pair produced excited
leptons, the limits m(e)* > 62.5 GeV/c(2), m(mu)* > 62.6 GeV/c(2)
and m(tau)* > 62.2 GeV/c(2) at 95% confidence level were established.
For single excited lepton production, upper limits on the ratio
lambda/m(l)* of the coupling of the excited charged lepton to its mass
were derived.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Agasi, E
Ajinenko, I and
Aleksan, R
Alekseev, GD
Alemany, R
Allport, PP
Amaldi, U
Amato, S
Andreazza, A
Andrieux, ML and
Antilogus, P
Apel, WD
Arnoud, Y
Asman, B
Augustin, JE
and Augustinus, A
Baillon, P
Bambade, P
Barao, F
Barbi, M
Barbiellini, G
Bardin, DY
Baroncelli, A and
Barring, O
Barrio, JA
Bartl, W
Bates, MJ
Battaglia, M
and Baubillier, M
Baudot, J
Becks, KH
Begalli, M and
Beilliere, P
Belokopytov, Y
Benvenuti, AC
Berggren, M and
Bertini, D
Bertrand, D
Bianchi, F
Bigi, M
Bilenky, MS
and Billoir, P
Bloch, D
Blume, M
Bolognese, T
Bonivento, W
Booth, PSL
Bosio, C
Botner, O and
Boudinov, E
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C
Bowcock, TJV
Branchini, P
Brand, KD
Brenke, T
Brenner, RA and
Bricman, C
Brown, RCA
Bruckman, P
Brunet, JM
Bugge, L
and Buran, T
Burgsmueller, T
Buschmann, P
Buys, A and
Cabrera, S
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Rozas, AJC
Camporesi, T
and Canale, V
Canepa, M
Cankocak, K
Cao, F
Carena, F and
Carroll, L
Caso, C
Gimenez, MVC
Cattai, A
Cavallo, FR
and Chabaud, V
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L
Chauveau, J and
Checchia, P
Chelkov, GA
Chen, M
Chierici, R
Chochula, P
Chorowicz, V
Cindro, V
Collins, P and
Contreras, JL
Contri, R
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Cossutti, F
and Crawley, HB
Crennell, D
Crosetti, G
Maestro, JC and
Czellar, S
DahlJensen, E
Dehm, J
Dalmagne, B
Dam, M and
Damgaard, G
Dauncey, PD
Davenport, M
DaSilva, W
Deghorain, A
DellaRicca, G
Delpierre, P
Demaria, N and
DeAngelis, A
DeBoer, W
DeBrabandere, S
DeClercq, C and
DelaVaissiere, C
DeLotto, B
DeMin, A
DePaula, L and
DeSaintJean, C
Dijkstra, H
DiCiaccio, L
Djama, F and
Dolbeau, J
Donszelmann, M
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
and Drees, JA
Dris, M
Durand, JD
Edsall, D
Ehret, R and
Eigen, G
Ekelof, T
Ekspong, G
Elsing, M
Engel, JP and
Erzen, B
Santo, ME
Falk, E
Fassouliotis, D
Feindt, M and
Fenyuk, A
Ferrer, A
Fichet, S
Filippas, TA
Firestone, A
and Fischer, PA
Foeth, H
Fokitis, E
Fontanelli, F and
Formenti, F
Franek, B
Frenkiel, P
Fries, DC
Frodesen, AG
and Fruhwirth, R
FuldaQuenzer, F
Fuster, J
Galloni, A and
Gamba, D
Gandelman, M
Garcia, C
Garcia, J
Gaspar, C and
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, EN
Gele, D
Gerber, JP
and Gibbs, M
Gokieli, R
Golob, B
Gopal, G
Gorn, L and
Gorski, M
Gouz, Y
Gracco, V
Graziani, E
Grosdidier, G
and Grzelak, K
Gumenyuk, S
Gunnarsson, P
Gunther, M
Hahn, F
Hahn, S
Hajduk, Z
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
and Hao, W
Harris, FJ
Hedberg, V
Henriques, R
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Hessing, TL
Higon, E
Hilke, HJ
and Hill, TS
Holmgren, SO
Holt, PJ
Holthuizen, D and
Hoorelbeke, S
Houlden, M
Hrubec, J
Huet, K
Hultqvist, K
and Jackson, JN
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, P
Janik, R and
Jarlskog, C
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
JeanMarie, B
Jonsson, L
Jonsson, P
Joram, C
Juillot, P
Kapusta, F
Karafasoulis, K
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E and
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, EC
Keranen, R
Khokhlov, Y and
Khomenko, BA
Khovanski, NN
King, B
Kjaer, NJ
Klein, H
and Klovning, A
Kluit, P
Koene, B
Kokkinias, P and
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Kostioukhine, V
Kourkoumelis, C and
Kouznetsov, O
Kramer, PH
Krammer, M
Kreuter, C and
Kronkvist, I
Krumstein, Z
Krupinski, W
Kubinec, P and
Kucewicz, W
Kurvinen, K
Lacasta, C
Laktineh, I
Lamsa, JW
Lanceri, L
Lane, DW
Langefeld, P
Last, I
Laugier, JP
Lauhakangas, R
Ledroit, F and
Lefebure, V
Legan, CK
Leitner, R
Lemoigne, Y
Lemonne, J
and Lenzen, G
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Libby, J
Liko, D
and Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
Lippi, I
Loerstad, B
Lopez, JM
Loukas, D
Lutz, P
Lyons, L
Maehlum, G
Maio, A
Malychev, V
Mandl, F
Marco, J
and Marco, R
Marechal, B
Margoni, M
Marin, JC
Markou, A
Maron, T
MartinezRivero, C
MartinezVidal, F
and Garcia, SMI
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, G and
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M
McKay, R
McNulty, R
Medbo, J
and Merk, M
Meroni, C
Meyer, S
Meyer, WT
Miagkov, A and
Michelotto, M
Migliore, E
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, WA and
Mjoernmark, U
Moa, T
Moeller, R
Moenig, K
Monge, MR and
Morettini, P
Mueller, H
Mundim, LM
Murray, WJ
Muryn, B
and Myatt, G
Naraghi, F
Navarria, FL
Navas, S
Negri, P
Nemecek, S
Neumann, W
Neumeister, N and
Nicolaidou, R
Nielsen, BS
Nieuwenhuizen, M
Nikolaenko, V and
Niss, P
Nomerotski, A
Normand, A
Novak, M and
OberschulteBeckmann, W
Obraztsov, V
Olshevski, AG
Onofre, A
and Orava, R
Osterberg, K
Ouraou, A
Paganini, P and
Paganoni, M
Pages, P
Palka, H
Papadopoulou, TD and
Papageorgiou, K
Pape, L
Parkes, C
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
and Pegoraro, M
Peralta, L
Pernegger, H
Pernicka, M and
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A
Petrovyck, M and
Phillips, HT
Piana, G
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
Pindo, M and
Plaszczynski, S
Podobrin, O
Pol, ME
Polok, G
Poropat, P
and Pozdniakov, V
Prest, M
Privitera, P
Pukhaeva, N and
Pullia, A
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Rames, J
and Ratoff, PN
Read, AL
Reale, M
Rebecchi, P
Regler, M
Reid, D
Renton, PB
Resvanis, LK and
Richard, F
Richardson, J
Ridky, J
Rinaudo, G
Ripp, I and
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Roos, L
Rosso, E
Roudeau, P
Rovelli, T
Ruckstuhl, W and
RuhlmannKleider, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H and
Sacquin, Y
Sadovsky, A
Sahr, O
Sajot, G
Salt, J and
Sanchez, J
Sannino, M
Schimmelpfennig, M
Schneider, H and
Schwickerath, U
Schyns, MAE
Sciolla, G
Scuri, F
Sedykh, Y
Segar, AM
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R and
Serbelloni, L
Shellard, RC
Siccama, I
Siegrist, P and
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Sisakian, AN
Sitar, B
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smirnova, O
Smith, GR and
Sokolov, A
Sosnowski, R
SouzaSantos, D
Spiriti, E and
Sponholz, P
Squarcia, S
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, S and
Stavitski, I
Stevenson, K
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A and
Strauss, J
Strub, R
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
and Tabarelli, T
Tavernet, JP
Tchikilev, O
Thomas, J and
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J
Tkatchev, LG
Todorov, T and
Todorova, S
Toet, DZ
Tomaradze, A
Tome, B
Tonazzo, A and
Tortora, L
Transtromer, G
Treille, D
Trischuk, W and
Tristram, G
Trombini, A
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A
Turluer, ML
and Tyapkin, IA
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S
Ueberschaer, B and
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G
Vallazza, E and
VanderVelde, C
VanApeldoorn, GW
VanDam, P
vanDoninck, WK and
VanEldik, J
Vassilopoulos, N
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, LS
Vilanova, D and
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vodopyanov, AS
Vrba, V
and Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Weierstall, M
Weilhammer, P and
Weiser, C
Wetherell, AM
Wicke, D
Wickens, JH
Wielers, M
and Wilkinson, GR
WIlliams, WSC
Winter, M
Witek, M and
Woschnagg, K
Yip, K
Yushchenko, O
Zach, F
Zaitsev, A and
Zalewska, A
Zalewski, P
Zavrtanik, D
Zevgolatakos, E and
Zimin, NI
Zito, M
Zontar, D
Zucchelli, GC
Zumerle, G
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