Filamentous brown algae infected by the marine, holocarpic oomycete eurychasma dicksonii: First results on the organization and the role of cytoskeleton in both host and parasite
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The important role of the cytoskel-etal scaffold is increasingly recognized in host-pathogen interactions. The cytoskeleton potentially functions as a weapon for both the plants defending themselves against fungal or oomycete parasites, and for the pathogens trying to overcome the resisting barrier of the plants. This concept, however, had not been investigated in marine algae so far. We are opening this scientifc chapter with our study on the functional implications of the cytoskeleton in 3 flamen-tous brown algal species infected by the marine oomycete Eurychasma dickso-nii. Our observations suggest that the cytoskeleton is involved in host defense responses and in fundamental developmental stages of E. dicksonii in its algal host. © 2013 landes Bioscience.
Tsirigoti, A.
Kuepper, F.C.
Gachon, C.M.M.
Katsaros, C.
Plant Signaling and Behavior
actin, actin filament; animal; aquatic species; brown alga; cytoskeleton; host pathogen interaction; metabolism; microbiology; microtubule; Oomycetes; parasite; physiology; staining, Actin Cytoskeleton; Actins; Animals; Aquatic Organisms; Cytoskeleton; Host-Pathogen Interactions; Microtubules; Oomycetes; Parasites; Phaeophyta; Staining and Labeling