Measurement of pion and proton response and longitudinal shower profiles up to 20 nuclear interaction lengths with the ATLAS Tile calorimeter

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3073924 41 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Measurement of pion and proton response and longitudinal shower profiles up to 20 nuclear interaction lengths with the ATLAS Tile calorimeter
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The response of pions and protons in the energy range of 20-180 GeV, produced at CERN's SPS H8 test-beam line in the ATLAS iron-scintillator Tile hadron calorimeter, has been measured. The test-beam configuration allowed the measurement of the longitudinal shower development for pions and protons up to 20 nuclear interaction lengths. It was found that pions penetrate deeper in the calorimeter than protons. However, protons induce showers that are wider laterally to the direction of the impinging particle. Including the measured total energy response, the pion-to-proton energy ratio and the resolution, all observations are consistent with a higher electromagnetic energy fraction in pion-induced showers. The data are compared with GEANT4 simulations using several hadronic physics lists. The measured longitudinal shower profiles are described by an analytical shower parametrization within an accuracy of 5-10%. The amount of energy leaking out behind the calorimeter is determined and parametrized as a function of the beam energy and the calorimeter depth. This allows for a leakage correction of test-beam results in the standard projective geometry. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Adragna, P.
Alexa, C.
Anderson, K.
Antonaki, A.
Arabidze, A.
Batkova, L.
Batusov, V.
Beck, H.P.
Bergeaas Kuutmann, E.
Biscarat, C.
Blanchot, G.
Bogush, A.
Bohm, C.
Boldea, V.
Bosman, M.
Bromberg, C.
Budagov, J.
Burckhart-Chromek, D.
Caprini, M.
Caloba, L.
Calvet, D.
Carli, T.
Carvalho, J.
Cascella, M.
Castelo, J.
Castillo, M.V.
Cavalli-Sforza, M.
Cavasinni, V.
Cerqueira, A.S.
Clement, C.
Cobal, M.
Cogswell, F.
Constantinescu, S.
Costanzo, D.
Corso-Radu, A.
Cuenca, C.
Damazio, D.O.
Davidek, T.
De, K.
Del Prete, T.
Di Girolamo, B.
Dita, S.
Djobava, T.
Dobson, M.
Dotti, A.
Downing, R.
Efthymiopoulos, I.
Eriksson, D.
Errede, D.
Errede, S.
Farbin, A.
Fassouliotis, D.
Febbraro, R.
Fenyuk, A.
Ferdi, C.
Ferrer, A.
Flaminio, V.
Francis, D.
Fullana, E.
Gadomski, S.
Gameiro, S.
Garde, V.
Gellerstedt, K.
Giakoumopoulou, V.
Gildemeister, O.
Gilewsky, V.
Giokaris, N.
Gollub, N.
Gomes, A.
Gonzalez, V.
Gorini, B.
Grenier, P.
Gris, P.
Gruwe, M.
Guarino, V.
Guicheney, C.
Gupta, A.
Haeberli, C.
Hakobyan, H.
Haney, M.
Hellman, S.
Henriques, A.
Higon, E.
Holmgren, S.
Hurwitz, M.
Huston, J.
Iglesias, C.
Isaev, A.
Jen-La Plante, I.
Jon-And, K.
Joos, M.
Junk, T.
Karyukhin, A.
Kazarov, A.
Khandanyan, H.
Khramov, J.
Khubua, J.
Kolos, S.
Korolkov, I.
Krivkova, P.
Kulchitsky, Y.
Kurochkin, Yu.
Kuzhir, P.
Le Compte, T.
Lefevre, R.
Lehmann, G.
Leitner, R.
Lembesi, M.
Lesser, J.
Li, J.
Liablin, M.
Lokajicek, M.
Lomakin, Y.
Lupi, A.
Maidanchik, C.
Maio, A.
Makouski, M.
Maliukov, S.
Manousakis, A.
Mapelli, L.
Marques, C.
Marroquim, F.
Martin, F.
Mazzoni, E.
Merritt, F.
Miagkov, A.
Miller, R.
Minashvili, I.
Miralles, L.
Montarou, G.
Mosidze, M.
Myagkov, A.
Nemecek, S.
Nessi, M.
Nodulman, L.
Nordkvist, B.
Norniella, O.
Novakova, J.
Onofre, A.
Oreglia, M.
Pallin, D.
Pantea, D.
Petersen, J.
Pilcher, J.
Pina, J.
Pinhão, J.
Podlyski, F.
Portell, X.
Poveda, J.
Pribyl, L.
Price, L.E.
Proudfoot, J.
Ramstedt, M.
Richards, R.
Roda, C.
Romanov, V.
Rosnet, P.
Roy, P.
Ruiz, A.
Rumiantsev, V.
Russakovich, N.
Saltó, O.
Salvachua, B.
Sanchis, E.
Sanders, H.
Santoni, C.
Saraiva, J.G.
Sarri, F.
Satsunkevitch, I.
Says, L.-P.
Schlager, G.
Schlereth, J.
Seixas, J.M.
Selldèn, B.
Shalanda, N.
Shevtsov, P.
Shochet, M.
Silva, J.
Da Silva, P.
Simaitis, V.
Simonyan, M.
Sissakian, A.
Sjölin, J.
Solans, C.
Solodkov, A.
Soloviev, I.
Solovyanov, O.
Sosebee, M.
Spanò, F.
Stanek, R.
Starchenko, E.
Starovoitov, P.
Stavina, P.
Suk, M.
Sykora, I.
Tang, F.
Tas, P.
Teuscher, R.
Tokar, S.
Topilin, N.
Torres, J.
Tremblet, L.
Tsiareshka, P.
Tylmad, M.
Underwood, D.
Unel, G.
Usai, G.
Valero, A.
Valkar, S.
Valls, J.A.
Vartapetian, A.
Vazeille, F.
Vichou, I.
Vinogradov, V.
Vivarelli, I.
Volpi, M.
White, A.
Zaitsev, A.
Zenine, A.
Zenis, T.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
Beam configuration; Beam energies; Beam lines; Electromagnetic energy; Energy ranges; GEANT4; GEANT4 simulation; Hadron calorimeters; Hadronic physics; Impinging particles; Monte Carlo Simulation; Nuclear interaction; Parametrizations; Projective geometry; Proton energy; Proton response; Scintillator tiles; Total energy, Calorimeters; Calorimetry; Computer simulation; Electromagnetic waves; Hadrons; Monte Carlo methods; Temperature measuring instruments; Testing, Protons
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