Using ancestry-informative markers to identify fine structure across 15 populations of European origin

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3088110 79 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Using ancestry-informative markers to identify fine structure across 15 populations of European origin
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 3 anorexia nervosa genome-wide association scan includes 2907 cases from 15 different populations of European origin genotyped on the Illumina 670K chip. We compared methods for identifying population stratification, and suggest list of markers that may help to counter this problem. It is usual to identify population structure in such studies using only common variants with minor allele frequency (MAF) >5%; we find that this may result in highly informative SNPs being discarded, and suggest that instead all SNPs with MAF >1% may be used. We established informative axes of variation identified via principal component analysis and highlight important features of the genetic structure of diverse European-descent populations, some studied for the first time at this scale. Finally, we investigated the substructure within each of these 15 populations and identified SNPs that help capture hidden stratification. This work can provide information regarding the designing and interpretation of association results in the International Consortia. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Huckins, L.M.
Boraska, V.
Franklin, C.S.
Floyd, J.A.B.
Southam, L.
Sullivan, P.F.
Bulik, C.M.
Collier, D.A.
Tyler-Smith, C.
Zeggini, E.
Tachmazidou, I.
Thornton, L.M.
William Rayner, N.
Klump, K.L.
Treasure, J.
Schmidt, U.
Tozzi, F.
Kiezebrink, K.
Hebebrand, J.
Gorwood, P.
Adan, R.A.H.
Kas, M.J.H.
Favaro, A.
Santonastaso, P.
Fernández-Aranda, F.
Gratacos, M.
Rybakowski, F.
Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M.
Kaprio, J.
Keski-Rahkonen, A.
Raevuori, A.
Van Furth, E.F.
Slof-Op t Landt, M.C.T.
Hudson, J.I.
Reichborn-Kjennerud, T.
Knudsen, G.P.S.
Monteleone, P.
Kaplan, A.S.
Karwautz, A.
Hakonarson, H.
Berrettini, W.H.
Guo, Y.
Li, D.
Schork, N.J.
Komaki, G.
Ando, T.
Inoko, H.
Esko, T.
Fischer, K.
Männik, K.
Metspalu, A.
Baker, J.H.
Cone, R.D.
Dackor, J.
DeSocio, J.E.
Hilliard, C.E.
O'Toole, J.K.
Pantel, J.
Szatkiewicz, J.P.
Taico, C.
Zerwas, S.
Trace, S.E.
Davis, O.S.P.
Helder, S.
Bühren, K.
Burghardt, R.
de Zwaan, M.
Egberts, K.
Ehrlich, S.
Herpertz-Dahlmann, B.
Herzog, W.
Imgart, H.
Scherag, S.
Zipfel, S.
Boni, C.
Ramoz, N.
Versini, A.
Brandys, M.K.
Danner, U.N.
de Kovel, C.
Hendriks, J.
Koeleman, B.P.C.
Ophoff, R.A.
Strengman, E.
van Elburg, A.A.
Bruson, A.
Clementi, M.
Degortes, D.
Forzan, M.
Tenconi, E.
Docampo, E.
Escaramís, G.
Jiménez-Murcia, S.
Lissowska, J.
Rajewski, A.
Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N.
Slopien, A.
Hauser, J.
Karhunen, L.
Meulenbelt, I.
Slagboom, P.E.
Tortorella, A.
Maj, M.
Dedoussis, G.
Dikeos, D.
Gonidakis, F.
Tziouvas, K.
Tsitsika, A.
Papezova, H.
Slachtova, L.
Martaskova, D.
Kennedy, J.L.
Levitan, R.D.
Yilmaz, Z.
Huemer, J.
Koubek, D.
Merl, E.
Wagner, G.
Lichtenstein, P.
Breen, G.
Cohen-Woods, S.
Farmer, A.
McGuffin, P.
Cichon, S.
Giegling, I.
Herms, S.
Rujescu, D.
Schreiber, S.
Wichmann, H.-E.
Dina, C.
Sladek, R.
Gambaro, G.
Soranzo, N.
Julia, A.
Marsal, S.
Rabionet, R.
Gaborieau, V.
Dick, D.M.
Palotie, A.
Ripatti, S.
Widén, E.
Andreassen, O.A.
Espeseth, T.
Lundervold, A.
Reinvang, I.
Steen, V.M.
Le Hellard, S.
Mattingsdal, M.
Ntalla, I.
Bencko, V.
Foretova, L.
Janout, V.
Navratilova, M.
Gallinger, S.
Pinto, D.
Scherer, S.W.
Aschauer, H.
Carlberg, L.
Schosser, A.
Alfredsson, L.
Ding, B.
Klareskog, L.
Padyukov, L.
Finan, C.
Kalsi, G.
Roberts, M.
Logan, D.W.
Peltonen, L.
Ritchie, G.R.S.
Courtet, P.
Guillame, S.
Jaussent, I.
Barrett, J.C.
Estivill, X.
Hinney, A.
Bulik, C.M.
McGinnis, R.
Sambrook, J.
Stephens, J.
Ouwehand, W.H.
McArdle, W.L.
Ring, S.M.
Strachan, D.P.
Alexander, G.
Conlon, P.J.
Dominiczak, A.
Anderson, C.A.
Hill, A.
Langford, C.
Lord, G.
Maxwell, A.P.
Morgan, L.
Sandford, R.N.
Sheerin, N.
Vannberg, F.O.
Blackburn, H.
Chen, W.-M.
Edkins, S.
Gillman, M.
Gray, E.
Hunt, S.E.
Onengut-Gumuscu, S.
Potter, S.
Rich, S.S.
Simpkin, D.
Whittaker, P.
European Journal of Human Genetics: EJHG
Nature Publishing Group
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
Article; bulimia; Central European; Eastern European; eating disorder; European; female; gene frequency; genetic association; genetic distance; genetic similarity; genetic variability; genotype; geographic distribution; human; k nearest neighbor; Northern European; population genetic structure; population size; population stratification; principal component analysis; priority journal; anorexia nervosa; Caucasian; DNA microarray; genetic association; genetic marker; genetics; genotyping technique; phylogeography; population genetics; procedures; reproducibility; sample size; single nucleotide polymorphism, genetic marker, Anorexia Nervosa; European Continental Ancestry Group; Gene Frequency; Genetic Markers; Genetics, Population; Genome-Wide Association Study; Genotyping Techniques; Humans; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Phylogeography; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide; Principal Component Analysis; Reproducibility of Results; Sample Size
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