Benign multicystic peritoneal mesothelioma: A case report and review of the literature

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3113281 8 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Benign multicystic peritoneal mesothelioma: A case report and review of the literature
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Benign multicystic peritoneal mesothelioma (BMPM) is a rare tumor that occurs mainly in women in their reproductive age. The pathogenesis of BMPM is unclear and a controversy regarding its neoplastic and reactive nature exists. The biological behavior of BMPM is characterized by its slowly progressive process and high rate of recurrence after surgical resection. In addition this lesion does not present a strong tendency to transform into malignancy. Today approximately 130 cases have been reported. We here report a 62-year-old woman who had diffuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Physical examination revealed a painful mass in her upper abdomen. She reported a mild dehydration, but the vital signs were normal. Peristaltic rushes, gurgles and high-pitched tinkles were audible. Upright plain abdominal film revealed small bowel loops with air-fluid levels. She was diagnosed having an incarcerated incisional hernia that resulted in intestinal obstruction. The patient underwent surgery during which a cystic mass of the right ovary measuring 6 cm × 5 cm × 4 cm, four small cysts of the small bowel (1 cm in diameter) and a cyst at the retroperitoneum measuring 11 cm × 10 cm × 3 cm were found. Complete resection of the lesion was performed. The patient had an uneventful recovery and had no recurrence two years after surgery. © 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Safioleas, M.C.
Constantinos, K.
Michael, S.
Konstantinos, G.
Constantinos, S.
Alkiviadis, K.
World Journal of Gastroenterology
Baishideng Publishing Group Co
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
abdominal radiography; abdominal surgery; adult; cancer size; case report; clinical feature; emergency surgery; female; follow up; hernia incarceration; histopathology; human; human tissue; incidental finding; intestine obstruction; ovary cyst; peritoneum mesothelioma; physical examination; retroperitoneal cyst; review; small intestine tumor; treatment outcome
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