Photon reconstruction in the ATLAS Inner Detector and Liquid Argon Barrel Calorimeter at the 2004 Combined Test Beam

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3149190 38 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Photon reconstruction in the ATLAS Inner Detector and Liquid Argon
Barrel Calorimeter at the 2004 Combined Test Beam
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The reconstruction of photons in the ATLAS detector is studied with data
taken during the 2004 Combined Test Beam, where a full slice of the
ATLAS detector was exposed to beams of particles of known energy at the
CERN SPS. The results presented show significant differences in the
longitudinal development of the electromagnetic shower between converted
and unconverted photons as well as in the total measured energy. The
potential to use the reconstructed converted photons as a means to
precisely map the material of the tracker in front of the
electromagnetic calorimeter is also considered. All results obtained are
compared with a detailed Monte-Carlo simulation of the test-beam setup
which is based on the same simulation and reconstruction tools as those
used for the ATLAS detector itself.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Abat, E.
Abdallah, J. M.
Addy, T. N.
Adragna, P. and
Aharrouche, M.
Ahmad, A.
Akesson, T. P. A.
Aleksa, M. and
Alexa, C.
Anderson, K.
Andreazza, A.
Anghinolfi, F. and
Antonaki, A.
Arabidze, G.
Arik, E.
Atkinson, T.
Baker, O. K.
Banfi, D.
Baron, S.
Barr, A. J. and
Beccherle, R.
Beck, H. P.
Belhorma, B.
Bell, P. J. and
Benchekroun, D.
Benjamin, D. P.
Benslama, K.
Kuutmann, E.
Bernabeu, J.
Bertelsen, H.
Binet, S.
Boldea, V.
Bondarenko, V. G.
Boonekamp, M.
Bosman, M.
and Bourdarios, C.
Broklova, Z.
Chromek, D. Burckhart and
Bychkov, V.
Callahan, J.
Calvet, D.
Canneri, M.
M. Capeans
Caprini, M.
Sas, L. Cardiel
Carli, T. and
Carminati, L.
Carvalho, J.
Cascella, M.
Castillo, M. V. and
Catinaccio, A.
Cauz, D.
Cavalli, D.
Sforza, M. Cavalli and
Cavasinni, V.
Cetin, S. A.
Chen, H.
Cherkaoui, R. and
Chevalier, L.
Chevallier, F.
Chouridou, S.
Ciobotaru, M. and
Citterio, M.
Clark, A.
Cleland, B.
Cobal, M.
Muino, P. Conde
Consonni, M.
Constantinescu, S. and
Cornelissen, T.
Correard, S.
Radu, A. Corso
Costa, G. and
Costa, M. J.
Costanzo, D.
Cuneo, S.
Cwetanski, P.
Silva, D.
Dam, M.
Dameri, M.
Danielsson, H. O.
Darbo, G.
Davidek, T.
De, K.
Defay, P. O. and
Dekhissi, B.
Del Peso, J.
Del Prete, T.
Delmastro, M. and
Derue, F.
Di Ciaccio, L.
Di Girolamo, B.
Dita, S. and
Dittus, F.
Djama, F.
Djobava, T.
Dobos, D.
Dobson, M.
and Dolgoshein, B. A.
Dotti, A.
Drake, G.
Drasal, Z. and
Dressnandt, N.
Driouchi, C.
Drohan, J.
Ebenstein, W. L. and
Eerola, P.
Efthymiopoulos, I.
Egorov, K.
Eifert, T. F. and
Einsweiler, K.
El Kacimi, M.
Elsing, M.
Emelyanov, D. and
Escobar, C.
Etienvre, A. I.
Fabich, A.
Facius, K. and
Fakhr-Edine, A. I.
Fanti, M.
Farbin, A.
Farthouat, P. and
Fassouliotis, D.
Fayard, L.
Febbraro, R.
Fedin, O. L. and
Fenyuk, A.
Fergusson, D.
Ferrari, P.
Ferrari, R. and
Ferreira, B. C.
Ferrer, A.
Ferrere, D.
Filippini, G. and
Flick, T.
Fournier, D.
Francavilla, P.
Francis, D. and
Froeschl, R.
Froidevaux, D.
Fullana, E.
Gadomski, S. and
Gagliardi, G.
Gagnon, P.
Gallas, M.
Gallop, B. J. and
Gameiro, S.
Gan, K. K.
Garcia, R.
Garcia, C.
I. L.
Gemme, C.
Gerlach, P.
Ghodbane, N.
Giangiobbe, V.
Giokaris, N.
Glonti, G.
Goettfert, T.
and Golling, T.
Gollub, N.
Gomes, A.
Gomez, M. D. and
Gonzalez-Sevilla, S.
Goodrick, M. J.
Gorfine, G.
Gorini, B.
and Goujdami, D.
Grahn, K-J.
Grenier, P.
Grigalashvili, N.
and Grishkevich, Y.
Grosse-Knetter, J.
Gruwe, M.
Gupta, A.
Haeberli, C.
Haertel, R.
Hajduk, Z. and
Hakobyan, H.
Hance, M.
Hansen, J. D.
Hansen, P. H.
Harvey, Jr., A.
Hawkings, R. J.
Heinemann, F. E. W. and
Correia, A. Henriques
Henss, T.
Hervas, L.
Higon, E. and
Hill, J. C.
Hoffman, J.
Hostachy, J. Y.
Hruska, I. and
Hubaut, F.
Huegging, F.
Hulsbergen, W.
Hurwitz, M. and
Iconomidou-Fayard, L.
Jansen, E.
Jen-La Plante, I. and
Johansson, P. D. C.
Jon-And, K.
Joos, M.
Jorgensen, S. and
Joseph, J.
Kaczmarska, A.
Kado, M.
Karyukhin, A. and
Kataoka, M.
Kayumov, F.
Kazarov, A.
Keener, P. T. and
Kekelidze, G. D.
Kerschen, N.
Kersten, S.
Khomich, A. and
Khoriauli, G.
Khramov, E.
Khristachev, A.
Khubua, J. and
Kittelmann, T. H.
Klingenberg, R.
Klinkby, E. B.
Kodys, P.
and Koffas, T.
Kolos, S.
Konovalov, S. P.
Konstantinidis, N.
and Kopikov, S.
Korolkov, I.
Kostyukhin, V.
Kovalenko, S.
and Kowalski, T. Z.
Krueger, K.
Kramarenko, V.
Kudin, L. G.
and Kulchitsky, Y.
Lacasta, C.
Lafaye, R.
Laforge, B. and
Lampl, W.
Lanni, F.
Laplace, S.
Lari, T.
Le Bihan, A-C.
and Lechowski, M.
Ledroit-Guillon, F.
Lehmann, G.
Lelas, D.
Lester, C. G.
Liang, Z.
Lichard, P. and
Liebig, W.
Lipniacka, A.
Lokajicek, M.
Louchard, L. and
Loureiro, K. F.
Lucotte, A.
Luehring, F.
Lund-Jensen, B. and
Lundberg, B.
Ma, H.
Mackeprang, R.
Maio, A.
Maleev, V.
Malek, F.
Mandelli, L.
Maneira, J.
Mangin-Brinet, M.
and Manousakis, A.
Mapelli, L.
Marques, C.
Marti i Garcia,
Martin, F.
Mathes, M.
Mazzanti, M.
McFarlane, K. W.
and McPherson, R.
Mchedlidze, G.
Mehlhase, S.
Meirosu, C.
and Meng, Z.
Meroni, C.
Mialkovski, V.
Mikulec, B. and
Milstead, D.
Minashvili, I.
Mindur, B.
Mitsou, V. A. and
Moed, S.
Monnier, E.
Moorhead, G.
Morettini, P.
S. V.
Mosidze, M.
Mouraviev, S. V.
Moyse, E. W. J. and
Munar, A.
Myagkov, A.
Nadtochi, A. V.
Nakamura, K. and
Nechaeva, P.
Negri, A.
Nemecek, S.
Nessi, M.
S. Y.
Newcomer, F. M.
Nikitine, I.
Nikolaev, K. and
Nikolic-Audit, I.
Ogren, H.
Oh, S. H.
Oleshko, S. B. and
Olszowska, J.
Onofre, A.
Aranda, C. Padilla
Paganis, S. and
Pallin, D.
Pantea, D.
Paolone, V.
Parodi, F.
Parsons, J.
and Parzhitskiy, S.
Pasqualucci, E.
Passmored, S. M.
Patrichev, S.
Peez, M.
Reale, V. Perez
Perini, L. and
Peshekhonov, V. D.
Petersen, J.
Petersen, T. C.
Petti, R.
and Phillips, P. W.
Pilcher, J.
Pina, J.
Pinto, B. and
Podlyski, F.
Poggioli, L.
Poppleton, A.
Poveda, J. and
Pralavorio, P.
Pribyl, L.
Price, M. J.
Prieur, D. and
Puigdengoles, C.
Puzo, P.
Ragusa, F.
Rajagopalan, S. and
Reeves, K.
Reisinger, I.
Rembser, C.
de Renstrom, P. A.
Reznicek, P.
Ridel, M.
Risso, P.
Riu, I. and
Robinson, D.
Roda, C.
Roe, S.
Rohne, O.
Romaniouk, A.
and Rousseau, D.
Rozanov, A.
Ruiz, A.
Rusakovich, N. and
Rust, D.
Ryabov, Y. F.
Ryjov, V.
Salto, O.
Salvachua, B.
and Salzburger, A.
Sandaker, H.
Rios, C. Santamarina
Santoni, C.
Saraiva, J. G.
Sarri, F.
Sauvage, G. and
Says, L. P.
Schaefer, M.
Schegelsky, V. A.
Schiavi, C. and
Schieck, J.
Schlager, G.
Schlereth, J.
Schmitt, C. and
Schultes, J.
Schwemling, P.
Schwindling, J.
Seixas, J. M.
and Seliverstov, D. M.
Serin, L.
Sfyrla, A.
Shalanda, N. and
Shaw, C.
Shin, T.
Shmeleva, A.
Silva, J.
Simion, S. and
Simonyan, M.
Sloper, J. E.
Smirnov, S. Yu.
Smirnova, L. and
Solans, C.
Solodkov, A.
Solovianov, O.
Soloviev, I. and
Sosnovtsev, V. V.
Spano, F.
Speckmayer, P.
Stancu, S. and
Stanek, R.
Starchenko, E.
Straessner, A.
Suchkov, S. I. and
Suk, M.
Szczygiel, R.
Tarrade, F.
Tartarelli, F.
Tas, P.
and Tayalati, Y.
Tegenfeldt, F.
Teuscher, R.
Thioye, M. and
Tikhomirov, V. O.
Timmermans, C. J. W. P.
Tisserant, S. and
Toczek, B.
Tremblet, L.
Troncon, C.
Tsiareshka, P. and
Tyndel, M.
Unel, M. Karagoez
Unal, G.
Unel, G.
Usai, G.
and Van Berg, R.
Valero, A.
Valkar, S.
Valls, J. A. and
Vandelli, W.
Vannucci, F.
Vartapetian, A.
V. I.
Vasilyeva, L.
Vazeille, F.
Vernocchi, F. and
Vetter-Cole, Y.
Vichou, I.
Vinogradov, V.
Virzi, J. and
Vivarelli, I.
de Vivie, J. B.
Volpi, M.
Anh, T. Vu
Warren, M.
Weber, J.
Weber, M.
Weidberg, A. R. and
Weingarten, J.
Wells, P. S.
Werner, P.
Wheeler, S. and
Wiessmann, M.
Wilkens, H.
Williams, H. H.
Wingerter-Seez, I.
and Yasu, Y.
Zaitsev, A.
Zenin, A.
Zenis, T.
Zenonos, Z.
and Zhang, H.
Zhelezkobk, A.
Zhou, N.
Journal of Instrumentation
IOP Publishing Ltd
Transition radiation detectors; Calorimeters; Large detector systems for
particle and astroparticle physics; Particle tracking detectors
(Solid-state detectors)
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