Serum interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-8 and anti-heat shock 60 Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies as markers of ectopic pregnancy

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3152684 32 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Serum interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-8 and anti-heat shock 60 Chlamydia
trachomatis antibodies as markers of ectopic pregnancy
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Anti-Chlamydial trachomatis (anti-CT) responses, particularly anti-heat
shock 60 (Hsp60), antibodies confer a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy.
With emerging evidence supporting the pivotal role of interleukin-1 beta
(IL-1 beta) and IL-8 in the immunopathogenesis of CT-specific tubal
obstruction, we determined anti-CT Hsp60 antibody reactivity and serum
concentrations of IL-1 beta and IL-8 in failed pregnancies consisting of
30 consecutive ectopic pregnancies and 30 missed abortions, with 32
viable intrauterine pregnancies tested as normal controls. ELISAs were
utilised to measure IgA or IgG anti-CT major outer membrane outer
protein (MOMP) antibodies, IgG anti-CT Hsp60 antibodies and IL-1 beta
and IL-8. IgG anti-CT Hsp60 antibodies were more prevalent in ectopic
pregnancy cases (43.3%, 13/30) than in intrauterine pregnancies (16%,
5/32, p = 0.016). All 13 ectopic pregnancy anti-CT Hsp60-positive cases
had anti-CT MOMP antibodies. CT-specific antibodies were more frequent
in merged ectopic pregnancy and missed abortions cases (35%, 21/60)
than in intrauterine pregnancies (16%, p = 0.049). The median (range)
levels of IL-1 beta in ectopic pregnancy, missed abortions and normal
intrauterine pregnancies were 1.74 (0.2-8.7), 1.14 (0.2-16) and 1.22
(0.2-16.2) pg/ml, respectively (p > 0.05, for all). Serum IL-8 levels
were comparable amongst groups: ectopic pregnancy (median [range]:
25.1 [18.3-1000]); missed abortions (32.9 [15.39-1000]); and
intrauterine pregnancies (25.11 [18.3-1000] pg/ml). Anti-CT
antibody-positive ectopic pregnancy had significantly lower IL-1 beta
levels (1.29 [0.2-2.93]) pg/ml than sero-negative ectopic pregnancy
cases (2.09 [1.10-8.70]) pg/ml, (p = 0.022), but IL-8 did not differ.
Our data demonstrate that anti-CT Hsp60 immunity is a predominant
feature of ectopic pregnancy. We conclude that neither IL-1 beta nor
IL-8 can be considered markers of failed pregnancy, although lower
levels of the former cytokine are associated with CT-related ectopic
pregnancy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Daponte, Alexandros
Pournaras, Spyros
Deligeoroglou, Efthymios
and Skentou, Hara
Messinis, Ioannis E.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology
Elsevier Ireland Ltd
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
Interleukin 1beta (IL-1 beta); Interleukin 8 (IL-8); Anti-heat shock 60;
Chlamydia trachomatis; Abortion; Ectopic pregnancy; Biomarker
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