Heavy-ion collisions at lower energies provide a rich environment for
investigating reaction dynamics. Recent theory has suggested a
sensitivity to the symmetry energy and the equation of state via
deformations of the reaction system and ternary breaking of the deformed
reaction partners into three heavy fragments. A new detection system has
been commissioned at Texas A&M University in an attempt to investigate
some of the observables sensitive to the nuclear equation of state.
Cammarata, P.
Chapman, M. B.
Souliotis, G. A.
Bakhtiari, L.
and Behling, S.
Bonasera, G.
Heilborn, L. A.
Mabiala, J. and
McIntosh, A. B.
May, L. W.
Raphelt, A.
Youngs, M. D. and
Zarrella, A.
Yennello, S. J.