Dietary Influences on the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3196006 22 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Dietary Influences on the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Over unimaginable expanses of evolutionary time, our gut microbiota have
co-evolved with us, creating a symbiotic relationship in which each is
utterly dependent upon the other. Far from confined to the recesses of
the alimentary tract, our gut microbiota engage in complex and
bi-directional communication with their host, which have far-reaching
implications for overall health, wellbeing and normal physiological
functioning. Amongst such communication streams, the
microbiota-gut-brain axis predominates. Numerous complex mechanisms
involve direct effects of the microbiota, or indirect effects through
the release and absorption of the metabolic by-products of the gut
microbiota. Proposed mechanisms implicate mitochondrial function, the
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, and autonomic, neuro-humeral,
entero-endocrine and immunomodulatory pathways. Furthermore, dietary
composition influences the relative abundance of gut microbiota species.
Recent human-based data reveal that dietary effects on the gut
microbiota can occur rapidly, and that our gut microbiota reflect our
diet at any given time, although much inter-individual variation
pertains. Although most studies on the effects of dietary macronutrients
on the gut microbiota report on associations with relative changes in
the abundance of particular species of bacteria, in broad terms, our
modern-day animal-based Westernized diets are relatively high in fats
and proteins and impoverished in fibres. This creates a perfect storm
within the gut in which dysbiosis promotes localized inflammation,
enhanced gut wall permeability, increased production of
lipopolysaccharides, chronic endotoxemia and a resultant low-grade
systemic inflammatory milieu, a harbinger of metabolic dysfunction and
many modern-day chronic illnesses. Research should further focus on the
colony effects of the gut microbiota on health and wellbeing, and
dysbiotic effects on pathogenic pathways. Finally, we should revise our
view of the gut microbiota from that of a seething mass of microbes to
one of organ-status, on which our health and wellbeing utterly depends.
Future guidelines on lifestyle strategies for wellbeing should integrate
advice on the optimal establishment and maintenance of a healthy gut
microbiota through dietary and other means. Although we are what we eat,
perhaps more importantly, we are what our gut microbiota thrive on and
they thrive on what we eat.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Barber, Thomas M.
Valsamakis, Georgios
Mastorakos, George and
Hanson, Petra
Kyrou, Ioannis
Randeva, Harpal S.
Martin O.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
gut microbiota; brain; diet; appetite; metabolism
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