Seeing is Believing: Spatial Interactions and Visual Culture in Pausanias

Διπλωματική Εργασία uoadl:3421887 65 Αναγνώσεις

Κατεύθυνση Αρχαιολογία της Ελλάδας και της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου: από τα ανάκτορα της Εποχής του Χαλκού έως και τα Ελληνιστικά βασίλεια
Βιβλιοθήκη Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής
Ημερομηνία κατάθεσης:
Έτος εκπόνησης:
Μπαρέρο Κάρλος
Στοιχεία επιβλεπόντων καθηγητών:
Dimitris Plantzos, Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Nikolas Dimakis, Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Stylianos Katakis, Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Πρωτότυπος Τίτλος:
Seeing is Believing: Spatial Interactions and Visual Culture in Pausanias
Γλώσσες εργασίας:
Μεταφρασμένος τίτλος:
Seeing is Believing: Spatial Interactions and Visual Culture in Pausanias
This MA dissertation explores how Pausanias can be used as a tool in understanding spatiality and visuality in the ancient world. Contrary to previous scholarship on Pausanias, this paper will demonstrate how Pausanias can be analyzed and interpreted as a work of unique, improvised ekphrasis whereby Pausanias’s intentional selection of objects and monuments “worth seeing” and his usage of active grammatical forms creates mental imagery as well as the cognition of movement in the mind of the reader of what Pausanias wants the reader to see. In other words, through his literary style and approach to writing, Pausanias produces a portrayal of the Greece which he deems important to remember and record in the Periegesis. The text and genre of the Periegesis is compared to other contemporary literary works in order to discover the similarities and differences between Pausanias and his peers. Pausanias’s method and criteria is also analyzed in regards to his selection of the subject matter for his work in order to understand how his methodology was intended to function. Lastly, modern psychoanalytic theory and its effects on ekphrasis are explored in order to evaluate how they can be applied to Pausanias in order to update the perception of the text. What results is a comprehensive examination at how Pausanias blended elements of ekphrasis and real-world interactions with the sites he visited in order to project images in the mind of the audience of his iteration of the Greece worth knowing.
Κύρια θεματική κατηγορία:
Classical Archaeology, Pausanias, Visuality, Spatiality, Second Sophistic
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Seeing is Believing- Spatial Interactions and Visual Culture in Pausanias.pdf (1 MB) Άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο